What I'm Reading

What's currently in my inbox:

My Tissue Alert: Loner by Nilla
    Edward Cullen was a loner, an outcast. He clearly hated everybody, including himself. He was not a nice person. So, why was I so drawn to him? And why did I get the crazy feeling he felt the same way?
WARNING: This story will deal with the aftermath of child abuse and rape. If that bothers you too much, I strongly recommend that you don’t read.
My *Gigglesnort*: I Am Not Her by ReFe
   Leave it to Bella Swan to unintentionally become a prostitute. Moving in with Charlie was suppose to make her life easier but things never go as planned.
My Wussperv: **none currently. got any rec's for me?**

My Inner Smut-h00r: Last Tango in Forks by AwesomeSauce76
  Bella Swan has spent a lifetime putting everyone else's needs before her own. Could a chance encounter with a mysterious stranger begin to change all of that? AU/AH
My Slash-tastic Voyage(s): 

McFearless by TeamBella23 
"Twat, twitch...not gay." Or are they? Written for the Slash Backslash 2.0 Contest; Best Comedy mention AH/AU Edward/Jasper to be continued...
 Seventeen Men by Conversed (not nearly as graphic as the summary entails.)
TWINNED SEQUEL: AH M/M. "Some say that distance makes the heart grow fonder. Y'all know that distance can suck my dick." Jasper, Edward and seventeen men. There might be barn-sex. BE WARNED.
My *HeadDesk*: Fuggiasco by kdc2239
   Edward, homeless since age twelve is used to the gritty, hard life. Now twenty, his main goal is to make it in the world, and off the streets. What happens when a girl who seems to be broken beyond repair becomes his new shadow?
My "As close to Crackfic...": Sweet Tooth by MacFlan
   *NOW COMPLETE* Come to Pink Cookie, where porn never tasted this good. Erotic baker, Edward Cullen has a new obsession in the form of Bella Swan. Will his buttercream satisfy her sweet tooth? AH, OOC, Comedy/Romance. Collab between BellaFlan and Mac214. 
 My Heartfail: Stolen Souls by Nayarit
   Twilight and Pixie are dancers at a prominent gentlemen's club in lower Chicago called Novolunie. This is the story of the two mysterious dancers' haunted existence as told through the eyes of the other lives that weave through them. And in one night everything will change. What happens when life as you knew it wasn't what you thought at all, and will never again be the same? Tortured pasts, jumbled futures, secrets, lies, betrayals, and salvation and love where you least expect it bleed together and all center around one thing--"the stable". When life changes and pasts, presents, and futures all crash into another, who will survive? NC-17/DARK/OOC

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